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Antibiotics are the first line treatment, but there are clinically proven options to help prevent. When considering cranberry supplements, I recommend my patients select a product with 36 mg of PACs.

I always consider natural options to help manage urinary tract health in my patients. Utiva is a great, clean cranberry product which has been very effective in many of my patients.

There is a lot of evidence that shows that cranberry supplements are safe and effective. You can find all sorts of cranberry supplements but if they don’t have that 36 mg PAC and measured by DMAC/A2 then they are a waste of money.

There is an active molecule in cranberries called proanthocyanidins (PACs). According to clinical studies you need 36 mg PACs to stop bacteria from irritating the urinary tract. Utiva is the only brand that has the right dose of cranberry PACs.
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For UTIs, overactive bladder, vaginal wellness and gut